

3 Books to Read This Summer for Teacher Self-Care

wellness May 10, 2024
A woman in a yellow shirt reading a book with a cup of coffee

Teachers, summer is here! A goal for so many teachers this summer is to read more - there’s just no time (or energy) to do it during the school year. Why not hold yourself accountable with a monthly online teacher book club?

I’m hosting a book club inside Teacher Summer Reboot, an online teacher community helping teachers accomplish their summer goals. We’ll read one of these books each month over the summer then come together in a live, online meetup to chat about it. We’ll also be organizing our homes, building confidence, learning new recipes, completing workbooks, and so much more - together!

A Book for Better Breathing

Our first read of the summer will be Exhale by Richie Bostock. This book offer forty simple breathwork exercises to transform your mental and physical health.

Breathing incorrectly can actually increase chances of fatigue, headaches, digestive issues, sleep disorders, chronic stress, and anxiety. If you’re struggling with any (or all) of these issues - I think we all feel at least one of these - it may be time to try a new way to breathe.

These breathing exercises should help whether you’re relaxing at home or on vacation this summer or teaching a classroom of students in the fall.

Tackling Your Mental Mess

Next, we’ll dive into Your Mental Mess by Dr. Caroline Leaf to explore the science behind anxiety, stress, and toxic thinking.

As we read, we’ll uncover a five-step plan to find and eliminate the root of anxiety, depression, and intrusive thoughts in your life, improving our mental and physical health for the summer, for the next school year, and beyond. You can accomplish the goals of this book in just 21 days!

Build the Life You Want

Finally, we’ll end the summer with Build the Life You Want by Arthur C. Brooks and Oprah Winfrey. This will help us take what we’ve learned, as well as some new ideas, and bring them into our daily lives all year round.

We’ll discover the science and art of living a happier life, and how we can realistically shift our emotional self-management. Along the way, we’ll build the four pillars of happiness: family, friendship, work, and faith.

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