

3 Free EdTech Tool Trials for Teachers To Try Today

edtech Sep 19, 2023
A teacher working on her computer and looking through paperwork at her desk

As a teacher, I always enjoyed learning new EdTech tools that could either 1) make my life easier, or 2) get my students excited. These tools have bonus points for being unique and, honestly, aesthetically pleasing.

Free trials for EdTech tools are perfect for last minute lessons when you’re falling behind or another plan falls through. Each of these tools are free to try for teachers, so don’t hesitate to try them out for a fun activity with your students.


Padlet is a virtual bulletin board for teachers and students to create their own digital boards and share ideas, resources, and multimedia content in an aesthetic and organized way. Padlet offers various customization options, allowing you to add images, videos, links, and even collaborate in real-time.

You can create up to three padlets for free to try out this tool!


With Socrative, teachers can create quizzes, polls, and assessments that can be accessed by students on their own devices. Socrative's real-time feedback and assessment data provide valuable insights into students' learning progress, allowing teachers to make informed instructional decisions. It also supports formative assessments, so you can gauge student understanding and adjust your teaching strategies as needed.

Create five quizzes and explore the different features for free today!


Tinkercad provides a user-friendly platform for designing and creating 3D models, which is perfect for STEM classrooms. Users can create 3D objects using basic shapes, then manipulate and combine them to build more complex designs, and even simulate their functionality. It is an excellent tool for introducing students to the world of 3D design and fostering their creativity and problem-solving skills.

This tool is, surprise, free for everyone! No trial period, just start creating!

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