

5 Grading Tools Every Teacher Should Use

grading Aug 15, 2023
A teacher grading papers at her desk

If one thing you’re dreading for back to school is grading, these EdTech tools for grading are here to save you (and your precious time).

As a former teacher, I remember the days when I would leave school with a bag full of essays, math papers, and projects to grade. I was determined to grade them while I watched TV after my kids went to bed at night, but by the time I got home after picking up the kids from daycare, made dinner, decompressed with my husband, bath time, and bedtime stories, the last thing I wanted to do was grade papers. So, I'd return the next day without taking a single essay or flair pen out of my bag.

There are many types of grading tools available for teachers. Here are some popular ones that you may find beneficial.


1. GradeCam

GradeCam is an educational technology tool that helps educators streamline the grading process. With GradeCam, teachers can easily grade assignments and assessments by scanning them with a document camera or a mobile device camera. It uses optical mark recognition technology to recognize and grade multiple choice, true/false, and numeric responses.

GradeCam also offers a variety of reporting and analytics tools, allowing teachers to gain insights into student performance and identify areas where students may need extra support.


2. Gradescope

Gradescope is a comprehensive grading tool that is widely used in K-12 education. Teachers can create and manage activities and assignments and grade them using various methods. It offers rubric-based grading, multiple-grader support, and plagiarism detection. With Gradescope, teachers can provide feedback to students quickly and efficiently and gain insights into student performance.


3. Flubaroo

Flubaroo is pronounced as "floo-buh-roo".

Flubaroo is a Google Sheets add-on that can quickly grade multiple-choice or fill-in-blank assignments and show a grading distribution. This tool can help K-12 teachers save time and grade assignments more efficiently, allowing them to focus on providing valuable feedback to their students.


4. ZipGrade

ZipGrade is a mobile app that allows K-12 teachers to grade paper quizzes by scanning them with their phones. The app grades the quizzes for the teacher, saving time and effort. This tool is particularly useful for teachers who want to grade assignments more efficiently and quickly.


5. Grades - Grade Calculator

Grades - Grade Calculator is an app available on the App Store that helps K-12 teachers calculate and manage grades more efficiently. With this app, teachers can easily input their students' grades and assignments, and the app will calculate students' overall grades, including their GPA.

Don’t let the piles build up; your grading consumes you this year. Use the tools at your disposal so you can be present for your students and you.

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