

5 Self-Care Tips for the Beginning of the School Year

back to school wellness Aug 26, 2024
A woman relaxing on the couch with a cup of coffee and a book

Your feet hurt, your back aches, your brain is fried. Luckily, teachers have it easy and get their summers off, right? (You can’t see it, but I’m rolling my eyes.)

Whether you had a restful summer or are still burnt out from spring, let’s chat about start the year with healthy self-care practices that are realistic and maintainable. We’re going to talk about meal planning, making good use of your break time, taking lunch alone, getting tasks done during the day, rethinking grading strategies, and setting expectations with parents.

We aren’t meant to live lives we need to take a break from. Let’s work on creating healthier boundaries for ourselves - it’s possible, even for teachers - because after all, it is just a job.

You’ll Learn:

  • Why it’s important to make lunches you can look forward to

  • How to make better use of your breaks

  • Why you should take your lunch alone, even if you love your colleagues

  • How to get your heaviest tasks done during the day

  • Whether you need to rethink your grading strategy

  • Why you should plan your meals at home ahead of time

  • How to set expectations with parents and not take their behavior personally

A Look Into the Episode…

  • [01:26] Learn about the new, free educators 2 educators app

  • [01:44] Keeping snacks and making meals you look forward to

  • [02:24] Making good use of your breaks

  • [04:17] Do your heaviest tasks during the day

  • [05:02] Grading and giving immediate feedback

  • [07:01] Plan your food and get it out of the way

  • [10:31] Setting expectations with parents

  • [12:09] Let things go and “let them”

Review and Follow the Podcast

“This is an amazing podcast! As a first year teacher I know the content like the back of my hand but putting it into practice is another story. Carrie and her guests tell you the truth about teaching and ways to have a successful and meaningful first year. I will be recommending this series to all first year teachers!”

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