

Realistic Back-to-School Teacher Tips, from a Teacher of 20 Years

back to school Jul 26, 2024
A teacher singing young students at a group table

It’s time to start thinking about back to school prep, so grab your favorite flare pen and get ready to take some notes! I wanted to offer the most practical tips, so I asked my friend and the first ever guest on educators 2 educators, a veteran teacher of over 20 years in Chicago, Kelly for some help.

Today, we’re going to be talking bulletin boards, organizing your personal life, planning for big picture, and more. These tips require little extra effort on your end to get your year started out on the right foot.

Keep listening for these back to school teacher tips you won’t want to miss.

You’ll Learn:

  • Why you should leave your bulletin board blank

  • What big picture planning is and why it’s important

  • The first thing you should do once you get your student list

  • How movable desks are a game changer in the classroom

  • Why it’s important to have your personal life organized ahead of time



A Look Into the Episode…

  • [01:41] An introduction to veteran teacher, Kelly

  • [06:00] The first tip for back to school - blank bulletin boards

  • [06:20] The second tip for back to school - big picture planning

  • [07:12] The third tip - what you need to do when you get your student list

  • [10:34] The fourth tip - a good use of PTO money

  • [12:46] The fifth tip - organizing your personal life

Review and Follow the educators 2 educators Podcast

“This is an amazing podcast! As a first year teacher I know the content like the back of my hand but putting it into practice is another story. Carrie and her guests tell you the truth about teaching and ways to have a successful and meaningful first year. I will be recommending this series to all first year teachers!”

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