5 Positive Student Behavior Apps Changing How We Regulate Actions and Emotions
Sep 05, 2023
While we look at new and more appropriate solutions to classroom behavior, teachers are turning to EdTech for actionable support. These tools are changing how we act on social emotional learning (SEL) and student behavior in ways that help children prosper, without the humiliation and feeling of falling behind that other methods might induce.
As a former teacher and mom of two, it’s incredibly important to me that we’re monitoring student well-being and offering real solutions for regulation and improvement. Here are some EdTech tools that I’ve found impressive in reasonably managing student behavior.
1. Sown to Grow
Sown to Grow is a SEL app that offers student check-ins, personalized feedback, and a built-in curriculum to improve student social, emotional, and academic well-being. The app even notifies you of urgent messages you should be aware of concerning student well-being. Their technology is paired with the latest learnings science to identify the regulation, resource management, and cognitive strategies that students are using.
2. Classcraft
Classcraft is a gamified classroom behavior app that turns the classroom into a role-playing game. Students create their own characters and work together to complete quests and earn points. The app also has a messaging system that allows students to communicate with each other and their teacher.
3. Seesaw
Seesaw is a digital portfolio app that allows students to showcase their work and progress throughout the school year. The app also has a behavior management component that allows teachers to give positive feedback and reward good behavior.
4. Too Noisy
Too Noisy is a fun app that helps students learn to control their noise levels. The app uses a visual representation of noise, and students are challenged to keep the noise level under control. The app also allows teachers to set noise level thresholds and assign rewards for meeting those goals.
5. Bouncy Balls
Bouncy Balls is another app that helps students control their noise level but in a more visual way. The app displays a set of bouncing balls on the screen, and the higher the noise level in the classroom, the higher the balls bounce. Students are challenged to keep the balls as low as possible, and teachers can set goals and assign rewards for meeting those goals.
These five new classroom behavior apps will greatly impact the classroom. Whether you're looking for a gamified approach to behavior management or a more traditional point-based system, there's an app out there.
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