

Teacher Summer Goals to Accomplish

summer Jun 04, 2024
An older teacher reading in a chair outside

Teachers, summer is here - and you’re ready for a total refresh.

You’re ready to clear out your messy house, try out new recipes, get your health organized (when was your las t dentist appointment, anyway?), and set yourself up from a smooth, easy season off.

Here are the teacher summer goals you should accomplish over the next couple months for a relaxing summer and a gentle transition into next school year.


Organize Your Health

I’m not kidding, can you remember your last dentist appointment? What about that random symptom that’s been bugging you more and more?

As a teacher, summer is really our only chance to take care of anything health-related that’s not an emergency. Let’s get all of those appointments booked.

While we’re at it, let’s also organize and restock our medicine cabinets, emergency contacts, and anything else you can think of.


Build Your Confidence

Let’s take a look at negative self-talk here. This summer, learn to be kinder to yourself. Give yourself grace to make mistakes, fail, not get it quite right on the first try. That doesn’t take away from who you are.

As teachers, we can be so critical of ourselves. Teaching the next generation is a big task and can feel like a lot of pressure to be perfect. But it’s time for a confidence boost.


Calendar Your Life

Plan your vacations, events, family outings, and everything happening in your life for the next year. Obviously leave room for real life to happen, but this will help take so much stress off your plate during the school year, and you won’t miss a thing because it’s already in your calendar.

You deserve a beautiful vacation and time with loved ones - you can make that time so much more intentional by planning ahead and getting the dates down on paper.


Teacher Summer Reboot

There’s an online teacher community working on these goals and several more together all summer long.

We' have workbooks, live meet ups, a book club, challenges, and so much more. The party’s already started, so come hop in!

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