

Teacher Summer Reboot: Your New Favorite Online Teacher Community

summer May 16, 2024
A woman sitting on a couch and smiling at her laptop

Have you ever seen an online teacher community? Specifically, one focused on self-care, making teacher friends, and becoming more mindful? Probably not. That’s where Teacher Summer Reboot comes in.

This summer, join teachers from across the country in accomplishing your summer goals such as organizing your home, getting those doctor appointments scheduled, reading more, learning self-care practices, and more.

Why Join an Online Teacher Community for the Summer?

I know how it goes - I used to be a teacher. Summer comes around and you have so many ideas, and before you get a single one of them, it’s time to go back to school again. What happened?

While you’re making friends in the community, they’ll also hold you accountable to following through with your goals so you can finally make the most of your summer time off. You’ll end up accomplishing so much more because you’re doing it alongside others who get it.

One example is our book club! By joining, you’re automatically accomplishing your goal of reading more. Each month, after we finish our book of the month, we’ll come together in a live meetup to chat about it. You’re so much more likely to commit to reading more by doing it with a group.

Besides reading, we’ll also have message boards for learning new recipes, challenges for organizing your home, and live meetups chatting about self-care practices.

Something totally unique we’re doing this year is adding workbooks. You can print them or complete them digitally to help you stay on task. Who doesn’t love a good workbook - for adults?

What Does an Online Teacher Community Look Like?

Talkative, supportive, friendly, and goal-oriented. This is a lively bunch ready to meet new friends and work together.

I mentioned we’ll have meetups, challenges, and message boards, but let me show you a sneak peek inside.

You can access the community online or in our app, so you can stay active wherever you are!

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