What Teachers Should Know About Esports
Feb 14, 2024
What are Esports? Are the actually sports? Is it good for students? Is it helping them socially?
At FETC 2024 in Orlando, I had the opportunity to learn about Esports, a topic I knew little to nothing about. Like most, I assumed Esports were played at a computer or with a controller, weren’t very social, and required no physical movement. Essentially, I thought we were replacing physical activity with more screen time.
Well, I learned exactly how wrong I was in making those assumptions.
What are Esports?
Esports are lots of things. Esports can be stationary, unsocial games played on a screen. Esports can also be physical, social activities involving screen elements.
When I think of incorporating Esports in schools, I think primarily of the latter.
Esports can mean introducing an interactive floor or wall projection that allows students to throw real balls at virtual targets or dance to a beat or play spelling games that require their whole body.
You can also introduce Esports using AR (augmented reality) or VR (virtual reality) tools. AR allow students to see the real world around them while they interact with their friends by throwing fireballs, hitting targets, and more. VR puts students in a virtual world where they can perform tasks, jump over obstacles, and even go on physical, immersive virtual field trips.
AR Sports in Schools
Companies like HADO are growing in popularity for student physical activity.

AR sports for students addresses things like size and strength imbalance amongst kids, gender inequalities, youth engagement, and risk of physical injury. This creates a safe, equal playing ground for every student.
These virtual sports also decreases or eliminates the need for expensive venues and sporting areas for schools on a budget or that can’t update their existing facilities.
When To Use Esports in School
These virtual games can be used in the classroom, in gym class, or as an indoor recess game. They’re also perfect for after school and summer programs. Bring them to school events and fundraisers for an extra activity.
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