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5 Self-Care Tips for the Beginning of the School Year back to school wellness

Your feet hurt, your back aches, your brain is fried. Luckily, teachers have it easy and get their summers off, right? (You can’t see it, but I’m rolling my eyes.)

Whether you had a restful summer or are still burnt out from spring, let’s chat about start the year with healthy self-care practices that are realistic and...

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5 Things I Did This Week to Help Lower My Stress Levels wellness

I had maybe one of the most stress-free weeks of my life, and here’s how I did it.

Teachers, I know back to school is crazy - my two teenagers just went back and I can all too vividly remember my days of classroom decorating and meeting new students. Somehow, I was still able to find peace in the madness. I did it through chore delegation,...

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3 Books to Read This Summer for Teacher Self-Care wellness

Teachers, summer is here! A goal for so many teachers this summer is to read more - there’s just no time (or energy) to do it during the school year. Why not hold yourself accountable with a monthly online teacher book club?

I’m hosting a book club inside Teacher Summer Reboot, an online teacher community helping teachers accomplish...

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Teacher Self Care: Free Online Tools for When You Lack the Will to Teach wellness

“You can’t pour from an empty cup.”

“You’re a better teacher for your students when you take care of yourself first.”

That’s crap. 

Here’s why: It’s not selfish to care for yourself. You don’t need a reason to care for yourself. And you don’t need to care for yourself just...

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How to Get Out of a Mental Funk and Turn Your Day Around wellness

We've all been there. You wake up in the morning, and you're just not feeling it. Life feels blah. You don't want to go to work. Your colleague or sister or partner annoyed you yesterday, and the feelings are still lingering. Your clothes fit funny, and your face looks tired. Maybe you regret that 9 pm glass of wine or the...

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Teacher Self-Care Online Tools for End of Year Classroom Chaos edtech wellness

Teaching can be a rewarding profession, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges and stress. As educators, it’s important to prioritize our well-being and practice self-care to avoid burnout. But this is typically easier said than done.

You just spent the day surrounded by colleagues, potentially disrespectful students, tedious...

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